Alien: Descent Is A Xenomorph-Slaying Four-Player Location-Based VR Experience
April 18, 2018 / arenainfinity
Calling all Colonial Marines, there’s a new VR experience that you won’t want to miss.
Announced today, Alien: Descent, is the latest in a line of high-profile location-based VR experiences ...
As VR Arcade Adoption Grows TrueVRsystems [to] Continue International Expansion
April 10, 2018 / arenainfinity
...[TrueVRsystems will] soon open a new arcade in Chile. The virtual reality (VR) arcade industry is seeing booming growth with multiple companies invested in the market, expanding to new venues...
Guns, audio and eye-tracking: VR nearly ready for prime time
March 23, 2018 / arenainfinity / LBE
GDC Virtual reality reemerged in the past couple of years as a hot tech topic. However, the unfortunate truth – fiercely ignored by its passionate advocates – is that it hasn't been ready for pr...
OptiTrack Active VR makes for a more mobile zombiepocalypse
March 23, 2018 / arenainfinity
My biggest qualm with many home VR experiences involves how I move about in-game. Using a controller for locomotion -- whether it's a Doom VR-style teleportation mechanism or using a thumbstick ...